If the spirit of God is burning in your soul with the call to mission you will no doubt also have doubts and fears. Am I willing to risk loosing my christian support structure? Am I willing to lose the comfortable environment around me? How can I support myself? Will I be safe? Do I have what it takes? How can I learn the language and other skills I will need to be effective?
If you are hearing a call from God to follow him to China there are a number of options.
You may consider a short term trip to get an introduction to China. You could look at the range of options available for missions training or you may be suited to one of the job opportunities that frequently come up within China. CCSM is here to help and are networked with missionaries and training institutions to assist you get the best possible start in missions.
Contact CCSM today.
CCSM New Zealand, PO Box 76653, Manukau, Auckland | +64 (0)9 924 6728
New Zealand Charitable Trust registration: No CC44047